This Month’s Topic Links (articles and videos)
Banks (the Devil You Don’t Know) — how commercial banks work
Prep List — a couple of lists of things you can start to think about in terms of preparation for the future
COVID Truth — a number of videos exposing the truth about masks, power, and vaccines
Before we get into the meat of this newsletter, here’s an article highlighting some of the absurdities happening in today’s world.
The Current Situation in the United States
Let me state up front that I don’t have any political bias when it relates to the United States. I live in Canada, which gives me a rather unique perspective on what’s going on below the 49th parallel. I’m entirely unaffected by the political atmosphere in that country, even thought I did live in New York for three years during my teens. I do, however, value freedom and democracy (neither of which we have at the moment anywhere in North America).
My primary interest is sharing the similarities in the cycles of history to what’s happening today. History repeats and you can predict the future based upon the past. It’s the same general story every 172 years, only with different “players.” Paying attention to the lessons of the past prepares you for what’s to come in the future.
In that regard, I share a number of traits of the tops of our current cycle: the 1030 year cycles that shifts the centre of power from West (America) to East (Asia) and destroys the empire in power at the time.
One of the more obvious traits is the level of corruption in government that has been building for many decades. This was the case at the tops of all the major empires over many centuries. They almost always “top out” at temperature highs — the top of the cycle.
Last month, I described the foundation of the Deep State that is orchestrating the current coup, or takeover, if you will, of the United States. George Soros has spent many millions of dollars to back politicians and radical groups that are intent on causing a disruption to the economy of the United States in an effort to end to presidency of Donald Trump. Their ultimate goal is to install their own dictator. The New World Order has been blatantly advertised for well over a decade now. Socialism and Totalitarianism are always prevalent at the tops of these warm-day cycles.
It’s obvious to me that there’s collusion on a grand level by the corrupt, wealthy elite, who’ve been milking the capitalist system for decades to maintain and grow their power, despite the current administration’s determination to put an end to their greed. You can sense this, based upon the non-sensical attempt to control the population through “social distancing,” the wearing of face masks, and laws to reduce our ability to gather in groups. There’s also a recent attempt in New York to “take down” the NRA. We’re seeing the same trend in Canada by the government to attempt to limit the acquisition of weapons in this country.
However, the traits are colliding, as they always do. The end result will be revolution. The will of the people always prevails in the end. However, the pain in getting to a better world will be devastating to all who are not properly prepared. It’s important to understand what’s going on under the surface in order to put in place plans for your own well-being and the safety of the loved-ones around you.
I do a tremendous amount of reading, particularly of article on Zerohedge, which is an article aggregator. Here’s an interesting, recent article on what’s possibly going on in terms of the underlying plan of the actors in charge of the disruption taking place in the United States.
President Trump is very aware of the enemies of the state and attempting to take at least some precautions. These are powerful people with lots of money, and as we’ve seen with all the presidential assassinations over the decades, they don’t “fool around.” His recent moves against the pharmaceutical industry have aggravated a whole new group of nefarious characters.
Even General Michael Flynn has weighed in this week with an open letter to the American people.
We have the tech companies also openly thumbing their noses at the power of the the presidency and congress, who are aligned in their concern for the power of these monopolies to limit freedom of speech, which is always a trait of cycle tops.
The Durham “report,” which is really a series of indictments expected from the Russiagate affair is expected to drop this month, and by the time I put out the September newsletter, we may have more visible signs of the ultimate crisis — a civil war in the US that I expect will rage for a number of years.
It’s time to start to get prepared for a future of anarchy if you live in the US. Other countries around the world are starting to wake up to the tyranny, particularly the draconian measures being undertaken as a result of the man-made COVID-19 crisis. Civil war will not be restricted to America.
This is a pot on the boil. It seems to me it will erupt in the aftermath of the coming election, which is destined to be a tumultuous affair. Ultimately, there’s going to be a military showdown.
This month, I’ve shared a list of items you need to start thinking about. There’ll be much more to come on this in September. I’ll also provide some initial things to think about in terms of your health, as you won’t be able to count of a vibrant and available medical system — not where we’re ultimately headed — no matter what country to you live in,
COVID and Vaccines
It’s always amazed me that the general public tends to refer to our politicians as “leaders.” They’re not, of course; they’re followers (ruling by consensus). They follow what they perceive to be the “will of the herd.” After all, they get elected based upon their ability to cater to the wants of the largest number of the population (the herd).
It’s a crazy system that has us electing the people who promise us the most, then allowing them to spend all our money to appease us, so that they can remain in office. It’s all self-serving and in the latter stages of a cycle, the corruption stage, we end up with rich politicians, a bankrupt government, and an equally broke population. It’s happened over and over again in history.
The saving grace is that at the tops of major cycles, the process reverses, the economy crashes, governments get overthrown, the financial system changes, and the tyranny gradually dissipates. At the tops of 1030 year cycles we have a number of predictable “natural” phenomena at play:
- Governments become bankrupt, their power decreases, but fear of facing the public turns into tyranny. Leaders grab as much power as they can until the public revolts
- Birth rates are always very low at cycle tops and this is because of low testosterone levels. Low testosterone leads to a reduced ability to make good decisions. Critical thinking is depressed, fear and anxiety take over, and we have populations around the world that are prone to accepting whatever they’re told to do (wearing ineffective masks and avoiding other humans, for example).
- Weak “leaders” is another cycle top trait. You’ll note the rise of populist leaders around the world. This is partly a result of decadence and complacency amongst the population, a trait that rises over a long warm-wet period where there is lots of food, ideal conditions for population growth, and economic prosperity. However, many of these politicians are new to government and have little ability to manage a bloated organization that has grown tyrannical on its own.
Unfortunately, these traits are not going away anytime soon.
It was obvious to me in February of this year, when the Coronavirus first hit the world stage that something was amiss. Viruses historically hit when the stock market is low. After all, the stock market is a mathematical representation of the mood of the herd. When social mood is negative, when people are not doing well financially, they’re prone to sickness. This is when viruses and diseases like the Black Death, smallpox, and other pandemics crop up.
I had said early on that this virus must be man-made, as it didn’t conform to the pattern that has been exhibited over many centuries: As the cycle turns cold and dry (where we’re going), disease starts to rear its ugly head. This virus was simply too early in the cycle; it didn’t make any sense to a cycles expert.
So, we have a situation which suggests that we’re being manipulated — it actually couldn’t be more obvious.
This fact was underscored this month in my home city of Calgary and I’ll relate the story below. But first, here are two charts for Canada that show the current situation for both the death rate and case rate for the COVID-19 “pandemic.”
It interesting to note that graphs that show the death rate are extremely hard to find, all of a sudden. I can’t find a graph of the death rate for my home province of Alberta, for example. They’ve all been taken down within the past week, or so. The government obviously doesn’t want us to know. However, I found both these charts ℅ Maclean’s Magazine, a major Canadian monthly news publication.
The above chart shows that the pandemic is over.
This second chart is important due to the fact that the “goal posts” have been changed. The original concerns were about the death threat. All the fear-mongering now is because of the rise in cases, due mostly to an increase is testing (even though the testing gives many false-positives. Results are simply unreliable).
In any case, it used to be that we wanted herd immunity, which means we wanted as many people as possible to contract the disease. So, the current response is totally illogical. Is this by design, an inability to think critically, or politicians (followers) succumbing to will of the fearful majority? I’ll let you figure that out.
In the United States, of course, there’s obviously a nefarious undertone to all this. The obvious cures (Vitamin D, hydroxychloroquine, etc.) are inexpensive. proven solutions that the pharmaceutical industry can’t make money from. This is the primary reason we’re asked to stay indoors (it actually spreads the virus) and the media, who are now dependent to a large part on government help (advertising income has tanked over the past year) are more than willing to advance fake-news and propaganda.
And here’s the latest from Dr. Fauci: Vaccines may be only 50% effective. He has a different take on the virus and vaccines that changes by the week! Is it complete incompetence, or something more sinister, for example, his obvious conflict of interest in pushing vaccines (always follow the money!)
Back to my story about Calgary.
The top chart follows the death count across Canada and shows that as of the August 1 long weekend, virtually nobody was dying of this COVID virus. Yet our mayor, His Royal Highness, King Nenshi (previously from academia) decided on August 1 to suddenly mandate masks in all public places, including grocery stores. However, you don’t have to wear them in restaurants. Now, that is just whacky! It’s a good example of everything I’ve been talking about in this article. This mayor has a history of dumb decisions and, in particular, spending money like it grows on trees. He won’t last much longer.
So, to summarize, we have weak politicians mandating masks against science (mostly through fear of losing their jobs and not pandering to the fear of the public), making illogical decisions, and exhibiting powers they actually don’t have, in direct conflict with the Canadian Bill of Rights. The same thing is going on in the U.S.
As a result, this month, there’s an entire page on masks, the pandemic, and vaccines. Stay away from COVID vaccines! They will not work; your own immune system is far more powerful. You might want to watch the third video in the Judy Mikovits/Robert Kennedy Jr. series, which addresses the efficacy of vaccines, with specific examples.
The Stock Market
Traits of the Cycle Transition
Cycles tops are accompanied by specific societal traits.
Here are some of the changes you can expect as we move from the warm dry climate of the late 20th century through the current wet-cool short climate cusp to the cooler dryer climate of the next several hundred years (from the research of Dr. Ralph H. Wheeler):
- Anarchism/Riots
- Financial depression
- Inadequate government,
- Weak “leaders”
- Civil wars rather than international wars
- Mass migration (urban to rural), pandemics
- Socialism
- Tyranny/Authoritarianism
- Assault of free speech
- Propaganda
- Class revolution
- Low birth rates (low testosterone)
Below are some contrasting, more specific traits:
Warm Dry Period Left Behind | Cold Wet (later dry) A Period We’re Entering |
dictatorships (too much gov’t) | democratization (insufficient gov’t) |
imperialism (rising national spirit) | cosmopolitanism (falling national spirit) |
expansion/annexation | migrations/less organized invasions |
world wars (strong vs. strong) | civil wars (strong against weak) |
national fascism, totalitarianism | anarchy, freedom of individual |
federal rights | individual rights |
long reigns, good rulers (early warm) | short reigns, poor rulers |
growth of cities | move from city to country |
rising prices (inflation) | falling prices (deflation) |
increase in luxuries | decrease in luxuries |
less prostitution (early warm) | increase in prostitution, abnormal sexual behavior |
Golden Age (early warm) | Dark Age |
increase in religious regulation | personal orthodoxy |
neglect of grammar | attention to grammar, lexicographers |
abstract harmony and melody | simple melody, folks songs |
fashion: Â simple, plain, dignified | turns complex, ornate, elaborate |
high birth rate to low birth rate (late warm) | low birth rate |
learning by discovery | learning by drill |
idealism (philosophy) | hedonism |
manufactory expansion | agricultural expansion |
polite comedy in literature | vulgar comedy |
culture: aristocratic, refined, profound (early warm) | move to plebian, vulgar, superficial |
art: emphasis on abstract form and line | complexity, ornateness, stiff, crude |
I’ve spent two weeks in New York City, at Baruch College, pouring through the work of Dr. Raymond Wheeler, Ph.d and the result of his many years of work, The Big Book.
The Big Book (above) is a tome of about 2,000 pages that Dr. Wheeler created over a ten year plus period in which he recorded all the major events from 600 BC until about 1940. Along with the events, he also recorded the temperature and level of precipitation. He’s come to very strong conclusions about the cycles of our past and how they’ll affect our future. His work on climate has been backed up by the GISP2 data derived from Greenland ice cores much more recently (this data was generated in1990s), so the science is solid. His work and the GISP data tell exactly the same story.
The luminaries that I follow and have studied in depth include Ralph Nelson Elliott (of course), Ellsworth Huntington, Edward Dewey, Alexander Chizhevsky, Nikolai Kondratiev, and Dr. Wheeler, amongst others. Working independently in the early 20th century, they all came to the same conclusions: Everything on Earth is influenced by cycles, created by exogenous forces.
This month, I’m going to share a bit of Dr. Wheeler’s writings, which first appeared in the Journal of Human Ecology, in 1951.
“Every second 500-year period in history belongs to Western Civilization. Every intervening 500-year period belongs to Eastern Civilization. Europe and North America have dominated a 500-year period just now ending. The next 500 years of history will belong to Asia.
At the end of each 500-year cycle, but more especially at the end of every other 500-year cycle, major revolutions occur over the whole world that result in drastic reorganizations of society. One feature of these revolutions is a sudden spurt in the growth of democratic institutions. We are in a revolution of this sort now, comparable to the collapse of medieval culture and the beginning of the modem world. A great Renaissance is due at the end of the century [the year 2000] with the masses of the people participating in the economic and political structure to an extent unknown before in history. Neither Fascism nor Communism, but Democracy, will prevail as a consequence of the revolution.
This is a brief account of world history in relation to long climatic cycles, or cycles in the long-time weather trends. The main division points of history are also landmarks in the history of world climate. Old civilizations collapse and new civilizations are born on tides of climatic change. The turning points occur when cold-dry times reach their maximum severity. This happens about every 500 years.
The main divisions of history as recorded by the historians, ”Ancient, Medieval, and Modern,” are not just divisions in history. They are also divisions in the long-time weather trends. The last great epoch of the ancient world began in the sixth century B.C. with the decline or Egypt and the older empires of the Middle East on the one hand, and the emergence of Grecian civilization and Persia on the other. This new epoch of the ancient world came to an end in fifth century A.D., a thousand years later.”
(Above is a chart I developed from data from the GISP2 ice core project delivered in the early 1990s).
“Then came the Middle Ages. This period, too, lasted a thousand years, and came to an end in the 15th century, when the modern world began, ushered in by the Renaissance and the Reformation. A thousand years would bring us to the 25th century A.D., 500 years from now.
Various lines of evidence, to be published elsewhere, show how the sixth century B.C. and the fifth century A.D. centered on unusually cold and dry times. Both were centuries of widespread migrations; both were periods of low lake levels and slow tree growth. The 15th century also centered in unusually cold and dry times. All three, the sixth B.C., the fifth, and 15th centuries A.D. witnessed profound social upheavals throughout the whole world of humanity. All three were characterized by the same process, the dying of all old world and the birth of a new one.
In the center of each 1,000 year cycle there seems to have been a much warmer period in history, the first reaching a climax at the time of Julius and Augustus Caesar, the second around 900 and 1000 A.D. During the second of these warmer periods, Greenland and Iceland were colonized.
Once the warm phase had run its course, the cold phase of the long cycle was on its way. Greenland froze up and has remained so ever since. Many times in the 14th and 15th centuries the Baltic Sea froze over between Germany and Sweden, allowing people and horses to cross from one country to the other on the ice. It is evident at the present time that the Earth has been getting much warmer again. The frozen northlands have been receding, along with glaciers, over the world. Animals frozen in their tracks by just such a blizzard as struck the mountain states two years ago (so much snow fell that it never thereafter melted until now), have in recent decades been exposed, sometimes with their flesh still edible. It is not difficult to understand why this is happening as the world is approaching again the heat climax of a 1000-year cycle. In fact, if this is true, there is reason for believing that around 2040, perhaps a little earlier, perhaps a little later, a heat climax will occur that will exceed our recent one of the 1930s. This might well be the climax of the current 1000-year cycle. After that, glaciers will start advancing again and the world’s temperatures will fall, gradually, until a cold climax is reached around 2500 A.D. Then the modern world will again experience an upheaval as complete as that which terminated the Middle Ages and inaugurated the Modern World.
However, both climatically and culturally, secondary climaxes of cold temperatures and devastating droughts, with great waves of migrations and immigrations, accompanied by drastic revolutions in society, have occurred at the end of each intervening 500 year period. In other words, there is a 500 year climate and culture cycle as well as a 1000 year cycle. Every other termination of the 500 year cycle has coincided with the termination of the 1000-year one, but every alternate 500 year cycle has terminated in the middle of the 1,000 year rhythm during its warm phase. However, there has always been a complication. The 500 year cycle breaks down into shorter periods that last, on the average, about 100 years in length. These are clear-cut cycles, each having a major warm phase and a major cold phase, two major wet periods, and two major dry periods. One major wet period occurs at the beginning of the warm phase, the other at the beginning of the cold phase. One major dry period occurs at the end of the warm phase, and one occurs at the end of the cold phase.
Each fifth cold phase is an unusually severe one as was true in the fifth century B.C., the first century A.D., the fifth century, the tenth century, and the 15th century. All the signs point to a continued repetition of the rhythm. The rest of this century is due to average severely cold. We are at the present moment beginning the cold phase of the 100 year cycle and the fifth and severest cold phase of the 500-year cycle. This will temporarily check (it is starting to do so now) the rising of world temperatures on the 1000-year cycle, popularized so much in recent literature.
We said that the 500 year period was a cultural as well as a climatic cycle. Half of the terminations of this cycle have already been accounted for by the 1000 year cycle.
What of the other terminations? The first 500 year cycle of history terminated at the time Christ was born. Until 70 A.D. much of the first century was cold. Rome had just passed her cultural prime. The great empire that had taken 500 years to build now sank lower and lower for the next 500 years until it collapsed altogether. The scene of initiative in the world shifted from the West to the East. A Dark Age ensued in most of the West. Turkish peoples, Tartars, and Huns built one large empire after another in Asia. In the West, Christianity inspired one of the most profound cultural revolutions in all history. And so it was that both in the East and in the West a new world replaced the old one. This new world came to an end in the fifth century.
The first half of the medieval period, the fifth to the tenth centuries, belonged to Europe. Asia declined in political but not in cultural initiative. In the West came Justinian and the great Byzantine Empire, together with an upsurge of Arabian civilization, which soon marched across North Africa into Spain. At the time this outburst of energy was occurring, China and Japan went through an important cultural renaissance. Then came Charlemagne In the West and the Golden Age of Bagdad in the East. This finished the first half of the Middle Ages.
The close of the 500-year cycle saw all of these civilizations fall into decline, to be replaced in Europe by the feudal principality, which was the beginning of the modern state with its economic and cultural development based on nationalism. It was during this dying of an old world and the birth of a new one that the European countries, ”England, Scotland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Russia, France, Germany” were born. This was indeed a great revolution in society, political, economic, and cultural. It occurred as one 500 year cycle finished in a severely cold period, and another began. However, the greatest initiative during the 500 year period from the tenth to the 15th centuries, was again taken by Asia. Witness the unparalleled empires of the Khans and the emergence of the Seljuk Turks, then in the late 14th century, Tamerlane.
Great storms, followed by bitter cold, devastated Asia in the ninth and tenth centuries, and also drove hordes of Normans out of the northern Scandinavian countries until they had overrun Europe, even to southern Italy, and had conquered England. This was at the termination of the 500 year cycle.
Then, 500 years later, came the fall of the Middle Ages which involved one of the most drastic revolutions perhaps ever to have gripped the races of the Earth. This was especially true of Europe, for it was the beginning of the 500 year cycle that belonged to Europe. Once more, Asia quieted down.”
Know the Past. See the Future