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Thrive – Banking

QFS (Quantum Financial System)

The Quantum Financial System in the new monetary system. Here’s the best article so far, giving you an overview of how it all works.

QFS System

The Old Banking System (the Cabal)

Banks: The Devil You Don't Know

“Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce. And when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate.”
President James Garfield, 1881.

The Logic Behind Fractional Reserve Banking

The fractional moneyconcept started centuries ago.

Let’s look back to Europe and the practice of the early goldsmiths who stored the precious metal coins of their other customers for a fee.

In addition to the goldsmiths who storedcoins, there was another class of my merchants, calls “scriveners,” who lentcoins. The goldsmiths reasoned that they, too, could act as scriveners, but do so with other people’s money. They said it was a pity for all that coin to just sit idle in their vaults. Why not lend it out and earn a profit which then could be split between themselves and their depositors? Put it to work, instead of merely gathering dust. They had learned from experience that very few of their depositors ever wanted to remove their coins at the same time. In fact, net withdrawals seldom exceeded 10 or 15% of their stockpile. It seemed perfectly safe to lend up to 80 or even 85% of their coins. And so the warehouseman began to act as loan brokers on behalf of their depositors, and the concept of banking, as we know it today, was born.

That’s the way many history books describe it, but there’s more involved here than merely putting idle money to work. First of all, sharing the interest income with the owners of the deposits was not part of the original concept. That only became general practice many years later after the depositors became outraged and needed to be re-reassured that these loans were in their interest, as well. In the beginning, they didn’t even know that their coins were being lent out. They naïvely thought that the goldsmiths were lending their own money.

The goldsmiths accepted gold deposits for which they issued receipts which were redeemable on demand.  These receipts were passed from hand to hand and were known as goldsmiths’ notes, the predecessors of banknotes.  The goldsmiths paid interest of 5% on their customers’ deposits and then lent the money to their more needy clients at exorbitant rates becoming, in fact, pawnbrokers who advanced money against the collateral of valuable property.

They also learned that it was possible to make loans in excess of the gold actually held in their vaults, because only a small fraction of their depositors attempted to convert their receipts into gold at any one time.  Thus began the fractional reserve system, the practice of lending “money” that doesn’t really exist.  It was to become the most profitable scam in the history of mankind.  It was also the quicksand on which the Bank of England was subsequently founded in 1694 — more than 300 years ago.

NEW- Sept: More Detail on the International Banking Ponzi Scheme

Here’s a recent, very well written article that goes into much more detail than I provided in the video.

The Problem with Money & How Central Banksters Rule the World


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  • Mike August 9, 2020, 8:46 am

    Hello Peter, this is Mike (Mojo). Thank you for the Thrive service you are developing. I know it is impossible to time all these events to the day, week, month but I would appreciate your look at real estate cycles in the next 1 to 3 years. We sold our house 3 years ago in anticipation of this and my upcoming retirement (in the next year). We plan to relocate from the Great Lakes area more to the southeast of U.S. We have a potential house picked out, but the elderly owners are not doing anything for a year with the virus scare (which is OK with us. The concern is it is more house than we’ve ever had, we are preapproved, but don’t know if we should continue to rent for several years, or buy with large mortgage a year or so from now… or use big down payment. I guess the question comes to weak dollar, strong dollar dance the next few years. I appreciate any comments or feedback Peter. Cheers! Mike

    • admin August 9, 2020, 11:54 am

      Hi Mike,
      I was thinking yesterday that I really do need to update my Real Estate Cycle video, which I will do. I’ve added it to my list for the next couple of weeks.

      We’re still near the top of the real estate market. Certain cities are crashing at the high end (New York City is a good example, San Francisco another). I’ll be covering off some items in real estate to look out for, including rising taxes). It’s also important to live in a state with decent finances, because government services are going to disappear in Illinois and California, for example that are exploring new levels of bankruptcy virtually unknown to mankind!).

      The last thing I would want to do is get a mortgage now. The defaults are going to start and will last for the next five years and this will help drive down house prices. At the bottom, we’re going to see homes pricing at 20% (or less) of what they are now. Getting a mortgage right now will put you underwater possibly very soon, with the drop we’re expecting in the markets shortly. 1300 points in the SP500 is going to drive more businesses under, result in more lost jobs, and cause a ton of financial pain. So, I’d definitely wait. I know it’s not what you want to do, but it’s the prudent thing to do … keep on renting.

      There’s also the possibility of renting to own, but I’d want a contract that stipulates that the eventual price is the floating market price and I’ve want a five year window.

      This is going to be one for the all-time record books.

      The dollar will turn up from here and it’s going to keep on going. We’re going into spiralling deflation due to the credit (debt) problems internationally. Hope this helps. I’ll plan on re-doing that real estate video during the coming month and have it ready for September. Thanks for the question

  • Mike August 9, 2020, 2:19 pm


    You said “we’re going to see homes pricing at 20% (or less) of what they are now.” Not to be dense, but are you saying real estate will drop 80% or more? (I might need more camping equipment 😉

    • admin August 9, 2020, 7:20 pm


  • Charles Arrand August 11, 2020, 3:30 am

    Peter, I know you don’t really do bit/alt coins, but…it appears from what’s happening in So. America, Africa, and other places that they do very well in financially chaotic times. Doug Casey has seen a great deal of this all over. What’s your take on them. Thanks, Charles, ( riverSwami)

    • admin August 11, 2020, 7:16 am

      Hi Charles,
      I don’t follow them as I consider them a well-orchestrated scam at the top of the biggest bubble in history. The waves up in the NYSE Bitcoin index are corrective (a zigzag) so I’m expecting a double top at some point and then a big bear market.

  • prospector75 August 25, 2020, 6:07 pm

    Hi Peter,
    I am wondering if you think we are close to a change in currency here in the U.S.? I hear rumors that a change is coming right after the first of the year. What have you heard? Would it make sense to change the currency now ? Seems to me they would want to wait as long as they can before they upset the apple cart. What are your thoughts on this ? Maybe you could explain what would happen if or when this might take place and what
    the exchange rate might be?

    • admin September 8, 2020, 12:03 pm

      Hi prospector75,
      Thanks for this. Good questions. I’ve delayed getting back to you on this because I had to think about it and I’m going to try to address some of it in this month’s newsletter, which is in the final stages of completion.

  • Rita August 31, 2021, 10:20 pm

    Hi Peter,
    I’m reading your newsletters every week. Can you tell if California Union Bank is safe to open an account, If not which bank we can open an account that’s safe?
    Thank you

    • peter September 1, 2021, 9:33 am

      HHi Rita,
      I can’t tell anything about individual banks, but under the Quantum System, your money is supposedly safe. I’ve been told that over and over. So, if you have to open an account immediately, you should be OK. If you don’t have to open it immediately, and can wait a couple of weeks, everything has to be over by Sept 11 and I’m told they’re holding off GESARA until then. At that point, the banking system is going to completely change and you’ll be able to lock your money up with an online wallet. I don’t have enough information on that to suggest you do it now. We have to wait for the EBS, which should give us all the information as to what the government approved system is. Until then, there’s just too much misinformation out there. Hope this helps. So much is on hold right now waiting for the EBS system to trigger.

  • Lisbeth Herrle September 1, 2021, 6:32 pm

    Rita states to hold off until Sept EBA for bank accounts (attempted to have my current NY bank change my account name from all caps to lower case except for cap first letter AND they basically gave me the middle finger)
    What about other investment accounts?
    Brokerage accounts
    Mutual Fund accounts
    Credit Unions
    My retirement Mutual Fund (Franklin Templeton) was negatively mentioned last year in relation to JoeB and Ukraine so I have real concerns, Thanks

    • peter September 5, 2021, 3:05 pm

      Let me do the best I can with this; I don’t know everything, of course, because they keep it all under wraps until they announce it to the world, so that people can’t take advantage of the situation.

      I don’t know about brokerage accounts. They’re generally heavily insured, but it more comes down to the integrity of the owner/company.

      I would be careful with mutual fund accounts for several reasons. Based on where the market is now, there’s no longer any bullish upside. It’s going to be mostly down from here and mutual fund accounts, depending on industry or make-up can get hit really hard. They also have high front and back-end fees. They’re not good investments at a market high, which is what we’re at.

      Credit unions on the most part, should be fine. They’re like banks (and most are probably safer than major banks). Again the QFS has registered all bank accounts and I have head over and over again that your money is going to be safe during this transition. Plus, there’s going to be a lot of money coming your way from the money stolen from you by the cabal and from your STRAWMAN account (tied to your birth certificate at birth).

      The one thing I don’t know yet is when it’s going to be the wisest to move your fiat money into the new QFS system, as both systems will run in parallel for a year after GESAGA is announced.

      Changing your name to lower case may not have much effect — that’s another elements that I don’t know the answer to yet. There’s a fair amount of cloudiness around this because certainly in the US and Canada, the CORPORATIONS are bankrupt and so don’t exist. They’ve both now republics. Your CORPORATE name we tied to the fraudulent laws in the (very soon) defunct legal systems of these CORPORATIONS (CANADA INC, for example) and becoming a republic as well as moving toe natural law should make these fraudulent laws moot.

      I think we only have a few days left in the old system. although I don’t know the date for GESARA coming in (however, legally, it has come to fruition by Sept 11, by law. I’ve been hearing that over and over, as well.

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