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About Peter

Peter Temple
The Truth Sage

Futurist, Market Analyst , helping executives and entrepreneurs understand cycles and how they affect the economy, specific businesses, climate, social mood, trends, and a host of other important aspects of the economic landscape.

Marketing/advertising executive, past-president and managing partner in Canada’s largest retail advertising agency. Focus on marketing, presentations, and television-related media.

 Accounts: the Bay, Westin Hotels, Zales Jewelers, Petro-Canada, Gulf Oil, Revelstoke.

Development team and consultant on initial public offerings for Westjet Airlines, Pengrowth Management, Big Rock Breweries, Enerplus, ARC Financial, and more …

International award-winning writer/producer/director for corporate and commercial television. Worked for many years with Canada’s largest retailers (including, McDonalds, Sears, the Bay) and multinational energy companies (including Petro-Canada, Shell, Husky Energy, Fluor Canada, Alberta Government) to develop and produce internal and external video-based communication.

Designed video-based training programs for the Petro-Canada retail and farm network over a period of ten years.

Past Creative Director at CFCN Television, Calgary (CTV Network). Past Communication Manager, Western Canada at Imperial Oil.

Visionary entrepreneur, founding communication companies focused on corporate marketing and advertising. Speech writing, script writing, corporate training program development, coached leaders to excel in the spotlight.

Past speaker/trainer with National Seminars, the largest public seminar company in the US, training a variety of programs on leadership and communication for business. He has been speaking professionally for over six years.

Worked with Leslie Nielsen, Sir Peter Ustinov, Peter Mansbridge, Walter Cronkite, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Joe Vitale, Les Hewitt, , Jarome Iginla, Ron MacLean, three Miss Canadas, three Alberta Premiers, and many other well-known US and Canadian actors and personalities.

Past Executive Director of the Foundation for the Study of Cycles.

B.A.A. in Radio and Television, Ryerson University and member of Mensa Canada.

Specialties:Presentation Strategist, corporate television and live presentations.

Current Affiliations:

  • Member Mensa International
  • CAPS (Canadian Association of Professional Speakers) – Past member of national board, past president of Calgary Chapter
  • Toastmasters Past President (ATM-Gold – Advanced Toastmaster Gold) – multiple awards for speaking and evaluating
  • Calgary Chamber of Commerce
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  • Tony Rusi July 10, 2022, 5:35 pm

    What is your evidence that the son of Abraham Lincoln was this man this “Lion of the Desert”? This Al Muktar?

    • peter July 10, 2022, 6:39 pm

      Hi Tony,

      First off, it’s not my research.

      I originally posted this information in the July 2021 newsletter. At that time, it came from the Whiplash347 site in Telegram. This latest version came from the JFK Jr. site in Telegram (it’s slightly more complete). It’s been on Elvis Presley’s site in Telegram and other sites there.

      I provided a link to a version with family pictures and more in-depth information at the top of the article in the Bloodlines tab and there are links there if you want to dig deeper.

      The key if you want to do your own research is apparently William Wallace Kennedy. There’s a book on Amazon and other places, entitled “He Had Rare Lights” (2019), which focusses on his life story.

      And if you search “Lincoln Kennedy Kahlooni” you’ll find online sites with info, lots of rabbit holes.

      There’s also the movie and book “Lion in the Desert.” I haven’t seen the movie, but I have a PDF copy of the book somewhere.

      Info on that bloodline is on many sites in Telegram. It’s not new information, but it’s been hidden because the Kennedy’s are a “hunted family.”


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