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The Business Edge

Audience: Entrepreneurs, boards, or other business groups who are concerned about the economic environment and want strategies for taking advantage of “uncertain” times.

Time Investment: For boards or other small business groups—half or full day event.

NOTE: All programs that include a strategy session require an amount of preparation time that will involve an in-depth conversation with key stakeholders to develop a foundation for the meeting and a solid understanding of the business and any concerns identified for the future.

This program is customized for each group. It usually includes an overview of both the world and local business environment with a focus on the threats in the five key areas: economy, climate, health, social mood (trends), and politics.

The program is in four parts.

  • 1. An introduction to cycles and how they affect the business environment. This includes a forecast of the near and mid term economic environment with an emphasis on financial trends and their historic relevance to today.
  • 2. A presentation of national and international influences that are going to determine your business’ financial viability over the next twenty year …

Topics Covered (External Threats):

  • Real Estate projections
  • Taxes and interest rate projections
  • Investment strategies
  • Projections for the economy—short and long term
  • Projection for gold, silver, oil, gas, equities
  • Currency vs. money
  • Business and Investment Strategies for the today’s environment
  • Market trends for the next five years
  • Business cycles review and how to read them
  • Snapshot of national financial health today
  • International Financial Analysis
  • 3. SWOT Analysis. After a comprehensive overview of the external influences on business, we move on to the strategic analysis session. The core of this segment of the program is a SWOT* analysis will be undertaken by all participants. Depending upon time allowed, this document forms the basis for the strategic plan for the future (part 4).
  • 4. Strategic Planning. This session may be scheduled for a later date, to allow time to digest the SWOT Analysis and determine a key set of issues to deal with. It can also be excluded from the program, to be undertaken in-house due to the sensitivity of the content. A non-disclosure agreement will be provided to be signed by Master the Edge before either the SWOT Analysis, Strategic Analysis (and often the initial conversation) is undertaken.


Participants will come out of the first two segments of the program with a clear understanding of the forces at work in today’s business environment and have new tools to make strategic business decisions in any economic situation.

The second part of the program focuses on developing a working strategic plan with schedule for implementation.

*SWOT Analysis: A SWOT Analysis is a useful technique for understanding your organization’s Strengths and Weaknesses, and for identifying both the marketplace Opportunities open to you and the Threats you face.